How about if I sell by the jadic? I am free to do so, right? Am I opening to
NO! because all my neighbours know what a jadic is. It's what fits in
Adrian's palm.

But the country doesn't stop at the edge of my neighborhood and the people
in the next town don't know what a jadic is. So I order to protect THEIR
rights the state mandates the use of the liter. It is my responsability as a
citizen of the country to respect the fact that unless I want to sell
through the back door only to my clients who know me and my measures and
instead I want to be a licensed business that is allowed to trade to anyone,
then I have to obey by the society's rules.

If Mr. T grows bananas in his back yard and wants to sell them to his
neighbour, or if he opens a private club then he can use whatever UofM he
wants. But when he opens shop on public access streets the story changes.

That is exactly what the EU directive is all about. In order to protect the
majority's interets which are all the citizens of EU who may as well buy
from MrT. at one time, they made it mandatory to sell by SI units.

Because, and here is the magic phrase: If Mr.T.would be allowed to continue
selling in other-than-SI units, then, he would be allowed to discriminate
against any other legal citizen of the EU while maintaining a legal
bussiness licence. Which, (and I hope we agree here) is wrong.

What has this to do with Mr.T liberties? How about my liberties to sell
loose products by the kg in US? What if my neighbours all understand the kg?
I still can't do it because it's against he law which protects the rights of
all US citizens that may buy from me.


PS: This whole thing is very clear to me. Is it just me? Is it my English
what keeps me fom making myself understood? Individual liberties and civil
society's laws and regulations dance together. One cannot have total freedom
while being a civilized society. This is as utopic as the communist society.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Jim Elwell
Sent: Wednesday, 30 January, 2002 16:31
To: U.S. Metric Association
Subject: [USMA:17775] Re: Fwd: Euro vs. Metricationt)

At 03:19 PM 1/30/2002 -0600, Adrian Jadic wrote:
>I think you exaggerate when comparing metrication with killing someone. Or

I was, which was why I called my analogy "trite."

>I don't see any way in which it will kill individual freedom. The civilized
>society is based on a universal acceptance of a set of rules of behavior.
>W&M is part of it.

I *promised* not to keep this up, but, one more time briefly: individual
freedom means I can do what I want with my own property (barring fraud or
force). That means if I want to set up a stand and try to sell my bananas
by the pound, I can do so, and you nor anyone else nor the men in blue can
stop me. I am hurting no one, and I cannot force anyone to purchase them.

That is individual freedom. Mandated metric takes it away (as the guy in
England has found out).

If we all define our own meter, then we open the gates to fraud, which is
something government *should* work to prevent. Selling by the pound is not
fraud. Selling a pound (or kilogram) that is a different size than the
"standard" is.

Jim Elwell

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