At 12:12 AM 1/31/2002 +0000, Stephen Davis wrote:
>How far do you take individual freedom??  Would you advocate agree to an 
>opt-out scheme whereas you can pick and choose what things you want to 
>have your tax dollars spent upon??

I would love to engage in this discussion -- no one loves more spending 
hours at a computer expressing their opinion more than I do.

However, I have come to the conclusion that (a) these long debates about 
political philosophy vis-à-vis metrication are not particularly effective 
in helping us metricate, and (b) none of us is going to change the others' 
minds about some of these philosophical issues.

So, Stephen, I appreciate your sincere and civil response and questions, 
and maybe we can sit down over a pint ... er, half liter ... some day and 
debate these issues, but I am going to refrain at this time.

Jim Elwell

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