My wife and I attended this Dental Congress in Jasper
this last week and she ran into the following pamphlet
from the above-referenced company - or is it a product
name?... (my personal "comments" - except for the Lux
one - are in parenthesis):

Question 1: What is the output for the Microlux?
Answer: 200 Foot Candles (SIC) (over 2000 Lux)

Question 2: Why is this measured in foot candles
instead of the way we would measure curing lights in
Answer: Photometric measurement (foot candles) is the
way visible light is measured because that is the way
the human eye sees light (?? I beg your pardon???...).
 Curing lights are measured in radiometric units
(mW/cm2) and cannot (???) be compared to photometric

I need help here to understand this issue better.  Can
anyone comment on this piece above please?  It sounds
to me that this guy's understanding of Physics is
dismal to say the least, but since luminescence
science is not my forte...

And, finally, if someone can write these guys to
"straighten them out" I'd really appreciate it...  I'd
be willing to do it myself also if I could technically
dispute their writings...

Thanks for your help.


Jesus ONLY settles for THE best, so 
what excuse can you possibly give to NOT go SI???

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