Rubin Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> So... I probably should know this, but...
> In my last post, I used an accented character.  I use KDE as my desktop
> and Evolution 2.10 for email, and I spent about 10 minutes trying to
> figure out how to *type* that accented character from my laptop
> keyboard, and finally gave up.  I ended up cheating by cutting and
> pasting that character from a web page!  So... how does one type, on a
> regular US laptop keyboard, without restarting X, an accented character?
> (Dons flameproof suit in anticipation of tons of "You dummy, I can't
> believe you don't know how to do that!" responses)

The short answer (assuming a standard Microsoft-key'ed keyboard): In KDE's
equivalent of GNOME's Keyboard applet, enable "Menu key is Compose", then
hit: <Menu> <'> <e> in sequence to get an é.

is a good recent post with the topic as per the url, there. :)

There's different input methods; I think there's roughly 4 ways: the X Input
Method (XIM), SCIM, and each of Qt and GTK have their own input method
support; I'm sure there're others, too.

I seem to have gravitated toward using the XIM.  Most of the multi-key
sequences are defined in /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose (adjust
for $LANG).  But at some point you might find it lacking.  Then, you'll want
to create a file called ~/.XCompose, that starts with:

    include "%L"

…to pull in the locale-default compose rules, but to which you can extend
your own, like:

    <Multi_key> <less> <3> <w> : "♡" U2661 # white heart suit
    <Multi_key> <less> <3> <b> : "♥" U2665 # black heart suit
    <Multi_key> <colon> <parenright> : "☺"  # :)
    <Multi_key> <colon> <parenleft> : "☹"  # :(
    <Multi_key> <period> <period> <period> : "…"
    <Multi_key> <exclam> <question> : "‽"  # interrobang‽
    <Multi_key> <question> <exclam> : "‽"

    # 2007-12-16, jsled
    <Multi_key> <p> <i> : "π" U03C0 # pi!
    # 2008-01-03, jsled
    <Multi_key> <backslash> <slash> : "ƛ" U19B # lambda.
    # 2008-01-22, jsled
    <Multi_key> <backslash> <slash> : "√" U221A # square rt
    <Multi_key> <3> <slash> : "∛" U221B # cube root
    <Multi_key> <8> <8> : "∞" U221E # infinity

Note that here you need only to restart applications (not all of X) to get
them to reinit changes to ~/.XCompose; I often edit ~/.XCompose in emacs,
then fire up 'gedit's on the console to gauge the effect before restarting
emacs, xchat, firefox, &c.

...jsled - a=jsled;; echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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