On Thursday 29 January 2009, Tony Harris wrote:
> You'll notice that Brad said he did send an acknowledgement of receipt for 
> every applicant.  For that matter, I believe we do too.  But a quick form 
> email saying "Got your resume" is a lot different than what I was hearing 
> for feedback desired from the discussion here, where people were annoyed at 
> not even being able to get an interview.
Well, getting a Ack-Ack of receipt is a 1st step which @least confirms that its 
in the in-box.
You're correct about some on this thread commiserating about failing to make 
the short list; but that
topic was more about age vs qualifications and the mentality of the HR 
department pre-screeners.

Also, I concur that there are way too many people who fail on grammar, 
spelling, an ability to write
cohesively, or just plain laziness. That still does not mitigate the 
responsibility of the hiring 
company to perform basic acknowledgement (IMHO).

> I agree with Brad, it's just not  
> feasible to send a "Sorry you didn't get the job" note to everyone who 
> didn't, and certainly not workable to try to indicate to people why they 
> didn't get an interview.
Sorry, but I strongly disagree with you here. Just take the list of applicants, 
subtract the person
who got the job and send out a bulk email. Granted, it would be a form letter, 
but better than nothing.
And for those who did merit an actual interview, who took time out of their day 
to go and be interviewed at least
once, I believe having a bit more detail would be highly appreciated; and go a 
long way to making the 
company look good when they need to fill another job.

> In our form letter acknowledgement we give a time  
> range in which we're planning to interview, and then we do inform those who 
> got interviews but didn't get the job of that outcome.
> But those who got  the form letter, if they didn't hear about scheduling an 
> interview they 
> should assume they didn't get one and move on.  To be honest, it's been 
> that way throughout my career, any time I've applied anywhere.
Now that's perfectly reasonable, because you prefaced everything in a 
time-frame that a candidate can
measure against and make logical assumptions when that time has passed. So what 
you do offsets your
last statement about not having/ability to send a response to each and every 

I can live with that regardless of whether I feel qualified for the job or even 
if I was asked in for
an interview because, as a previous poster has noted: the process is a two-way 
street and the dialog
is as much about the company filling a position as it is about the prospect 
finding work.
Your company is upholding it's end of the bargain by not leaving anyone hanging 
for their efforts.

I wish most other .com did likewise

> Tony

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