
On Jun 13, 2009, at 1:32 PM, Josh Smith wrote:

Has anyone here ever used dotproject, taskjugger, or trac? If so, what are your opinions on them?

These are... products that do very different things. Could you please offer a more precise question?

IE: "I want a Desktop App for building out a project plan" (Microsoft Project, TaskJuggler, KProject, GNOME Planner, OpenWorkbench, OpenProj, OmniPlan) vs
"I want a web-app for Project management" (DotProject, etc...) vs
"I want an integrated Project Management and Source Code Management web application." (Trac, Bugzilla, Redmine, Mantis, Scarab, GForge, SourceForge, Jira, Unfuddle, etc, etc, etc) vs
"I want a request tracker" (RT).

I have used a variety of these tools over the years. After developing some kind of knowledge in the space, I happened across a reasonable listing and comparison of Issue Tracking systems and Revision Control systems at Wikipedia. See:



I used to always suggest that people use Trac because it is easy to set up, and integrates well with Subversion. However, there are a number of shortcomings of Trac which are supposed to be addressed in versions post 1.0. Indeed, no Trac installation is complete without http://trac-hacks.org/ a set of plugins. Nearly all of the plugins have been brought forward to support 0.11. The main problem with Trac, is that there is no cross-project view. So, if you're like me, and have 100's of short- term projects you're responsible for watching, Trac is a good way to lose your hair.

Otherwise, I have used Trac as the backbone of a collaborative system for a small shop, and it worked quite well. It is better suited for smaller teams, with an open development context.

I have happy memories of Bugzilla.

I recently discovered Redmine (written in Ruby), which supports things like Gantt Charts, and cross-project views of as many projects as you like. Please see http://redmine.org/. I have recently installed Redmine on Debian/Lenny. It wasn't totally trivial, but some tutorials exist, and the community is very helpful. You will need to read the manual first. It also includes many collaborative features that you otherwise have to add on to Trac (and Hack), such as a Forum. Much of the documentation is Ruby-centric, so just be prepared to read up a little on "the Ruby Way."

If you like PHP over Ruby I'd suggest looking hard at Mantis.

I hope that helps a little.

have a day.yad

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