There are two ways email can be received into the qmail system

1) smtp
2) qmail-queue

1) incoming email from the net gets read into qmail-smtpd.
   a) It looks at /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts. If the domain
   is listed, it queues it to disk. 

   b) If not listed and the
   RELAYCLIENT environment variable is set, it will queue it
   to disk.

2) qmail-queue is invoked by a local program.
   a) sendmail wrapper
   b) qmail-inject

   In all cases, it is queued to disk

3) qmail-send decides if it is a local delivery or a remote delivery.
   a) We only care about local deliveries. This is done by qmail-send
   looking for the email domain in /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts. If
   it is in there, it hands the email to qmail-lspawn.
   b) If it is not in /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts it hands the email
   of to qmail-rspawn for remote delivery.

3) qmail-lspawn forks/execs qmail-local
   qmail-lspawn manages the concurrent qmail-local programs, and
   fork/execs a new one for each mail.

4) qmail-local starts to deliver the message. 
   a) Looks in /var/qmail/control/local for the domain. If found
     it looks up the user in /etc/passwd and attempts delivery.

   b) OUR CASE: not found in /var/qmail/control/local. It then
   looks in /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains for any name
   re-writing. In vpopmail case, the name is the same as the domain.

   c) look in /var/qmail/users/cdb (the compiled version of 
   /var/qmail/users/assign) for the domain name.

   d) If found (vpopmail case), then change uid/gid to the uid/gid
   listed in the file and changed directory to the directory listed
   in the file.

   e) qmail-local looks for a .qmail-user file. If found, follows
   the instructions there. (not vpopmail way except for aliases and
   forwards) NOTE: Future versions of vpopmail will contain alias
   and forward lookups)

   f) If qmail-local can not find a .qmail-user file, it looks for
   a .qmail-default file (this is the vpopmail way).

   g) .qmail-default contains "| /path/to/vdelivermail `` option
      where option can be:
      1) bounce-no-mailbox
      2) an email address
      3) path to a maildir directory

   h) vdelivermail is fork/exec'd by qmail-local

   i) vdelivermail looks up user information by calling vpopmail
   library call vauth_getpw(). This returns NULL if the user does
   not exist, or returns a password structure, with the users

   j) if quota support is compiled in, it checks the current Maildir
   new, cur, tmp file sizes, adds in the new message size and checks
   it against the quota field (pw_shell). 
      1) if over quota, return to sender
      2) if under quota, write to Maildir/new

   k) if no quota support, write to users Maildir/new


As you can see from the above, vdelivermail is used to lookup a users
directory and quota information. It saves on having to have a
file for every user, and allows for other processing (quotas for

In contrast with qmail-local delivery via .qmail-user files, there is
no quota checking. 

As system admin's, we have the flexibility to use both qmail-local
processing and the optimizations of vdelivermail. We can mix and
match them as we please. 

Ken Jones

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