Dears Friends 

I have installed vpopmail... but have a  problem
My users can't donwload their e-mails from my server
I don't none virtualdomains ... I have a only domain 
and don't would have never.

I can send  emails a my users and it arrive their Maildir directory
They have their Maildir here: /usr/vpopmail/users/michael/Maildir
The arrives are OK... 
But the authentication isn't Ok.
I need have my users of this way:
pop authentication user name is: user
only user ... No user%domain

my file /var/qmail/control/locals
have this:


and also , I compiled vpopmail of this way:


I don't want roaming users, no emzlm.

How I should setup ?

I made all of here:

Why no turn good?

PLEASE HELP ME .. I need this done before of Satureday
else I will haven't job..

Thanks for all

Juan Enciso




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