
I posted here a couple of days ago a note about the php vpopmail extension
and I got in touch with Rick Widmer who has done some progress on it. As I
wrote then - we want to write high level php/Smarty GUI for vpopmail
management module.

The main stumbling block seems the need to run Apache as vpopmail user. I
have not investigated deep enough, but this seems to be one of the main
reasons why the extension is somehow dead.

In our company we had a discussion on the issue and the prevailing opinion
is that we should not waste time with the extension, but write a daemon.
This weekend we will experiment with that.

Today, searching more in depth on the issue - I found some postings on this
list by people who are in favour of daemon.

If anybody is interested in the issue - I would be glad to discuss it.

We started a small 'unofficial' wiki to try to coordinate the effort -
www.verysmall.org/vpopmail - there we have published details about the
php/Smarty vpopmail manager we plan to write.

Looking forwards for some feedback.



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