Hello List,

I have written a small daemon, which can replace acpid on VDR systems and was written with dedicated VDR systems in mind.

Core Features:
- Faster than acpid with all the required external scripts.
- Emergency reboot feature. You don't loose the power button as safe emergency
  exit button. Just press it four times within three seconds and a clean reboot
  is triggered.
- Very easy to set up. If you want, you can just copy the "vdrpbd" file to your
  VDR system and execute it. VDR should react to the power button immediately!
- Systemd integration. If systemd is detected, then vdrpbd tries to register
  itself as "power button inhibitor". The module "Net::DBus" is required for
  this to work.

Note that it requires an up-to-date kernel, as the only supported way, to access the power button, is the input layer. There is no "netlink" support and I also won't add it.

Download from here:

To post bug reports and feature requests, you may use the ticket system here:

Or just answer to this mail and tell me about your opinion and/or give feature requests.


Manuel Reimer

vdr mailing list

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