Am 28.03.2013 00:20, schrieb Lucian Muresan:
> On 27.03.2013 23:07, Lars Hanisch wrote:
>>> Could continue with CACHEDIR, but that applies to less
>>>> plugins...
>>  I understand CACHEDIR as a location for runtime generated data which 
>> doesn't necessarily survive reboots of the vdr. I
>> don't think it should be the target of any installation files. Or am I wrong?
> You are not wrong at all, but I actually mean less installing files into
> CACHEDIR but rather creating the subdirectory structure there, as it is
> expected by that plugin (sometimes it involves the plugin name,
> sometimes it's more generic, like for example several plugins sharing
> so-called epg-images which are fetched by some script and can be used
> for displaying by different plugins, so they would rather use a
> directory name not necessarily bound to some plugin name...). But then,
> again, I can agree it's arguable if that's not better a runtime option
> anyway...

 Since the cache directory is writeable by the vdr I think the plugin should 
create its files and folder at runtime.

 Example: osdteletext, which caches several pages from TTX. It should create 
its folder $CACHE_DIR/plugins/osdteletext
on startup and then create and delete files if needed.


> Regards,
> Lucian
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