On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 10:15:20 +0200, Markos Charatzas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thursday 10 February 2005 17:50, Nathan Bubna wrote:
> > i only rarely put things directly into the
> > request myself.  i mostly use tools to access my request scoped data.
> > those are easy enough to keep track of in my toolbox.xml file.
> So how do u go on about data that you want to make available to Velocity? You
> have to call "request.setAttribute()"

i use the toolbox support that's built into the VelocityViewServlet to
automatically provide context tools for every request and template.  i
then use these tools to "pull" most of my data, and i only
occasionally use request.setAttribute() and friends to "push" data to
particular templates.

see http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity/tools/view/ for more info.

> > but here's an off-the-top-of-my-head suggestion you could do to help
> > avoid namespace collisions like this:  use different naming
> > schemes/prefixes for different parts of your application.  for
> > instance, you could prefix all your resource bundle keys with "rb_"
> > or something like tha
> Yeah, that's what I did in the end!
> Thanks for your support Nathan.

no prob.  glad to help!

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