
Thanks for your prompt suggestions.

<form-bean name="userWizardForm" type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorActionForm">
<form-property name="userId" type="java.lang.Integer"/>

I've noticed that I am using DynaValidatorActionForm - might that make a difference?

<action path="/user/wizard/core"
name="userWizardForm" scope="session" validate="false">
<forward name="insert" path=".user.insert.form"/>
<forward name="update" path=".user.update.form"/>
<action path="/user/wizard/summary"
name="userWizardForm" scope="session" validate="true" input="/do/user/wizard/core">
<forward name="insert" path=".user.insert.summary"/>
<forward name="update" path=".user.update.summary"/>

<form name="/user/wizard/summary">
   <field property="loginName" depends="required">
       <msg name="required" key="errorsRequired"/>
       <arg0 key="loginName"/>

3. Think so :) see 4.

4. Yes, validation works as expected server side

I am using Struts 1.2.4. I will download the velocity-tools-1.2 package and compile and see what happens.


Florin Vancea wrote:

1. Do you have an ActionForm for the action that ends up being rendered by
2. Does this form have a section in the Struts validation definition files?
3. Is validation setup OK (i.e. in Struts files)?
4. Does validation work server-side?

AFAIR, no. 2 is most likely the culprit.

You also may want to check if your Struts is 1.2.x. If so, you'd be better
off using the (afaik not released yet) velocity-tools-1.2. Get the latest
sources, compile and use. It's really stable (at least that's what I
currently use).

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