Martin Geisler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi everybody,
> I have just talked with Thomas about how to benchmark VIFF and what we
> should try measuring. We found it difficult to come up with good
> answers, so now we ask here.
> We talked about the goals of benchmarking:
> * Determine bottle-necks. It wont do us any good if the carefull
>   optimizations done by the CACE project cannot be seen because the
>   time is spent in other parts of the code. So this suggests that we
>   need to determine:
>   - Amount of time spent on local computations: how much of the time
>     is spent on book-keeping and how much on actual computations?
>   - Amount of time spent waiting on the network. Since we have
>     everything centralized in the Twisted event loop, we might be able
>     to simply hook into that and make it measure its idle time.

Another bottle-neck to examine:

- Memory usage. It would be very nice(tm) if VIFF could be told to
  limit its memory usage to, say, 16 MiB.

  This should make it automatically delay creating new Deferreds until
  the memory usage drops. I don't know yet if this is feasible without
  us constantly shooting ourselves in the feet because of the danger
  of deadlocks...

  A more safe way to do this is to simply structure the programs in
  such a way that they only have a limited number of outstanding

  Tomas and I have already talked a bit about this:

Martin Geisler

VIFF (Virtual Ideal Functionality Framework) brings easy and efficient
SMPC (Secure Multi-Party Computation) to Python. See:
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