Mikkel Krøigård <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Citat Martin Geisler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>   I have already made a script which uses SSH to start any number
>>   of playes here on DAIMI, and I've used it to test up to 25
>>   players (it took 15 ms on average for a 32-bit passively secure
>>   multiplication, and 19 ms for an actively secure one). It should
>>   be fairly easy to extend this to run nightly and make graphs from
>>   the results.
>> Please come with your other good ideas -- or let us know why the
>> above are bad ideas! :-)
> Well I can't say there's anything wrong with the ideas about
> benchmarking, although I don't know the best way to separate the
> bookkeeping and the actual computations.
> With regards to the quoted bit above, if we're going to do such a
> thing, we should ask definitely ask the staff here at DAIMI for
> permission. Not only could they put a quick stop to it if they got
> annoyed, but it also seems likely that something's going to happen
> to some of the machines involved which will mess with our results.

Very good point! And I just forgot to write that I have asked them and
am waiting for a reply. I suggested that we do our runs at night on
the shared machines, there are 25-27 of them that we can use if we get

> We should really have a (perhaps smaller) set of stable and
> otherwise unused machines for this sort of testing. Can we do this
> entirely outside DAIMI?

It would be nicer if we could have our own machines -- for if we want
to do the network emulation stuff talked about in Issue66[1] then we
need root access. I think having 10 old-ish machines would be perfect
for us.

[1]: http://tracker.viff.dk/issue66

Martin Geisler

VIFF (Virtual Ideal Functionality Framework) brings easy and efficient
SMPC (Secure Multi-Party Computation) to Python. See: http://viff.dk/.
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