Hi everybody,

I've just sent 22 patches to the viff-patches list:


They represent yet another attempt at making a SFDL parser. I say "yet
another" since Mikkel and Sigurd has been working on one too, but
unfortunately that seems to have lost some momentum. Or at least I
haven't heard anything about it recently :-)

At the WP4 meeting in Amsterdam we talked about comparing VIFF to
FairPlay on the same inputs, so we should move forward with building
the converter.

I don't care which parser is used -- I just played around with it to
learn more about Pyparsing. However, regardless of the choice, we
should discuss who will commit to take the lead on it.

Martin Geisler

VIFF (Virtual Ideal Functionality Framework) brings easy and efficient
SMPC (Secure Multiparty Computation) to Python. See: http://viff.dk/.
viff-devel mailing list (http://viff.dk/)

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