> Is it possible to load a set of files when you start gvim? (Like in
> Textpad, for those who know this editor) For example: I have a project
> containing 20 files.  I frequently uses 5 of them to modify and debug
> them.  Can you give a command to vim like: "Load workspace projectX",
> which then load the 5 defined files?  And when needed add or delete
> files from this workspace?

Two more options:

Project plugin

* http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=69

I don't know how I used to live without this plugin.  It allows you to
create an Eclipse-style layout of a group of files using arbitrary


You could also just open all of the files in Gvim and then use a tool
like selectbuf (http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=107) to
navigate between them.


Tom Purl

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