>  :sp on a new buffer causes a raise of 4-8K.
>  :q on a split causes a raise of 4-8K.
>  Switching to/from gvim causes a small increase, typically 4-8K for a few 
> switches.
>  Searching (with *) for a word in a .c file (with syntax highlighting) causes 
> it to increase. If you hold down * then you can see the memory usage rocket 
> up.
>  Basically, pretty much any action.
> Any ideas? Will I just have to live with it and restart my vim
> session every couple of days?

A couple things you might try experimenting with:

-does it happen in "naked" vim? (started via "vim -u NONE")

-does it happen when you drastically reduce your 'undolevels'
parameter?  (and what is it set to currently?)

-what sorts of vimscripts are getting run that might be creating
or storing values but not releasing them?

-what sorts of things are being fired on events?  Particularly
the CursorHold-ish events where something is happening with every

-what sorts of auto-completion options do you have running?  I
would imagine that omni-completion with C/C++ syntax might take a
bit of memory to house.

These would be the first places I'd look for trouble.  I
regularly have vim up almost as long as WinXP at work (disrupted
only by annoying reboots and blue-screens) and rarely have
trouble with it.  Even when I do, it's my own dumb fault for
using vim to edit ISO images, 300+meg SQL scripts or something
equally asinine.  A ":bwipe" usually restores my poor vim session
to fully-functional.


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