> Speaking of which, is there any quicker way to visually select the
> entire file, analogous to ^A in other systems?  I have to essentially do
>       1GVG<ctl-del>
> to stick everything into the scratchpad/clipboard/whatever to dump it
> back into the item from whence it originally came, and that's just a
> pain.  Well, not so much a pain as an annoying itch I can't quite reach.
> I was thinking something along the lines of
>       %V
> but that obviously won't work.  :)

You're so close, it could bite you :)  It looks like you're
getting hung up on expecting the solution to need visual mode
rather than just using Ex commands.

I frequently use


or if I need it to go to the system clipboard,


I use these (and their "y"anking counterparts, ":%y") so
regularly that they're ingrained muscle-memory.

Because the y/d Ex command takes any range, I also regularly use


to do just from my current line to the EOF, or


to pull from the first line through the current line.


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