--- Samual Acorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> most of it probably relates to complete lack of
> documentation on
> apples part (they dont want ppl to know how it
> works... wonder why...)

You need a set of the "Inside Macintosh" books
by Apple. Extensive documentation on everything you
need to know to write Macintosh software.

The ROM is why Macintosh apps can run on such a wide
range of System/Mac OS versions and hardware.

The apps are supposed to talk to the OS and only the
(or ROM calls that're consistent across the entire
range of Macs with the minimum or higher CPU the
app requires) and the OS talks to the ROM.

When Apple released new Mac models they usually also
released runtime patches called "enablers" so that
System or Mac OS versions released prior to the new
hardware could run on it. Enablers add updates for the
new or changed parts of the ROM, sorta like updating
the vocabulary of the OS so it can talk to the newer

IMHO, it woulda worked better if the enablers actually
patched the System file instead of loading at boot
and using more memory space all the time.

It will be total Fandemonium!
August (Fri) 4th, (Sat) 5th & (Sun) 6th, 2006

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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