On 10/2/14 11:44 PM, DRC wrote:
> To pop the stack on the original poster's questions, at the OpenGL
> level, you can get linear or even super-linear scaling of the GPU
> resource among multiple users.  If I run 5 sessions of GLXspheres at a
> time, each will perform at about 200 million quads/second.  If I run 10,
> each will perform at about 100 million quads/second.  If each user is
> working with a 1-million-polygon model, then that's over 30 users at 30
> frames/second.  Obviously there will be other constraints on this in a
> real-world environment-- VirtualGL and TurboVNC have some CPU overhead
> to compress/deliver the 3D images to the client, users might be dealing
> with larger models, applications that use a lot of textures won't scale
> as well because they'll exhaust GPU memory, etc.  However, you're also
> not going to have all 30 users banging away all the time.  Some of them
> will be down the hall, some of them will be reading e-mail, some of them
> won't even be in the office, some will be staring at the model and
> making small changes rather than manipulating the entire scene.

I should also mention that another constraint you'll have in a 
real-world environment is reading back the pixels, and you may exhaust 
your bus bandwidth before you actually exhaust your GPU processing 
power.  But my point is-- people throw quite a few users onto their 
GPUs.  Santos, one of our largest (if not our largest) installations, 
provisions about 13-16 users per high-end nVidia pipe, although the 
user workloads vary greatly (oil & gas apps run the gamut of everything 
from straight 2D X11 all the way to monster 3D visualization.)

> On 10/2/14 5:13 PM, Nathan Kidd wrote:
>> On 02/10/14 04:26 PM, DRC wrote:
>>> On the K5000 that nVidia was kind enough to send me
>>> for testing, I can literally max out the geometry size on GLXspheres--
>>> over a billion polys-- and it keeps chugging along at 300 fps, because
>>> it's using display lists by default (and thus, once the geometry is
>>> downloaded once to the GPU, subsequent frames just instruct the GPU to
>>> reuse that same geometry.)
>> FYI I recently was testing the theoretical limit on a card and went down
>> the path of:
>>   `glxspheres -p 1000000`    "no difference"
>>   `glxspheres -p 10000000`   "hmmm, not breaking a sweat"
>>   `glxspheres -p 1000000000` "wow"
>> Then I took a trace and found out that the number of actual ROPs was no
>> different between 10 million and 1 billion. gluSphere() apparently hits
>> a limit on how much geometry it produces and won't go higher (increasing
>> window size didn't do anything; I didn't read the GLU source).
>> Bottom line:  `glxspheres -p 3500000` (which equates to a little over 14
>> millon ROPs per frame) is the highest load the stock glxspheres/libGLU
>> will produce.
>> -Nathan

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