
On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 7:17 AM, Aldo Bucchi<aldo.buc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Aug 13, 2009, at 22:51, Aldo Bucchi <aldo.buc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Ivan,
>> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 10:21 PM, Ivan
>> Mikhailov<imikhai...@openlinksw.com> wrote:
>>> Hello Aldo,
>>> I will extend the list of supported column types soon, to fully support
>>> NVARCHAR, LONG NVARCHAR and ANY. After that, the only unsupported type
>>> remaining will be VARBINARY (and LONG VARBINARY).
>> OK. And what about using " Function-Based IRI Classes" in the
>> meantime. Should that work?
> It does not :(

What happens if I cast the nvarchar to varchar in the views?
This obviously breaks bijection as I might be loosing data.
But, I see no other way around.

          cast ( concept_id as varchar )        as id,
        FROM X.X.concept_table

and then create an IRI class that can be used like so

x:concept ( concept.id )

Note that I am 100% certain that the data in this column is simply
alphanumeric w/no strange chars. Basically, IDs that may look like

Of course, changing the column type in the source database is impossible.


>> We really need this ASAP. So any workarounds are welcome.
>> Here's the dataflow so you get a bigger picture.
>> * Data lives in Sybase 12.5.x
>> * Comes in via respective UDA driver ( unicode, because some chars in
>> other columns may be latin )
>> * We link the remote datasource into VDB
>> * Create a SQL View to consolidate entities
>> * Then create RDFViews. Here's where we need the IRI class on a PK
>> which ends up being an nvarchar
>> Thanks,
>> A
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Ivan Mikhailov
>>> OpenLink Software
>>> http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com
>>> On Thu, 2009-08-13 at 19:01 -0400, Aldo Bucchi wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm trying to create an iri class that takes an nvarchar field as input.
>>>> Virtuoso spits:
>>>> 22023 The datatype "nvarchar" is not supported in CREATE IRI CLASS...
>>>> How can I go around this?
>>>> We need unicode support because there might be latin characters flying
>>>> around.
>>>> ( we think we need ).
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> A
>> --
>> Aldo Bucchi
>> skype:aldo.bucchi
>> http://www.univrz.com/
>> http://aldobucchi.com/
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Aldo Bucchi

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