Vorländer wrote:
John E. Malmberg wrote:
Craig A. Berry wrote:
John E. Malmberg wrote:
I wonder how much functionality is missing with out libcurl?
I believe it's pretty important (but might be wrong).  But if
configuration is tripping over curl at the command line that doesn't
necessarily mean there's a problem for git with libcurl linked in.
No, the configuration is looking specifically for libcurl. I am sure that I saw a report on openvms.org or comp.os.vms that someone has ported it to VMS.

That someone would be Marty Kuhrt.

These locations list curl, but do not mention libcurl, which in the LINUX and CYGWIN distributions as a separate kit from the curl kit.

I was quite sure I saw a posting specifically listing libcurl, however google is not showing it to me at the moment.

It appears that several sites have set up pretend information boards that simply repackage newsgroup postings, and for some reason google searches of comp.os.vms are tending not to show articles less than 3 months old, but is finding all the forums that are copying the newsgroups.

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