Hi Lennart:


> Government by definition cannot delegate. I think Steven's example proves it.


Actually, I would disagree with that opinion even though my previous post would 
seem to suggest otherwise. I really don't blame government, nor do I think 
government is incompetent or incapable of delegating. I think the problem is 
indicative of an ageing government workforce (both state & federal) that is 
retiring in droves resulting in a vacuum that simply can't be filled fast 
enough to replace all the expertise that has left. Often the only recourse left 
is to hire a lot of young, inexperienced scared managers and employees that 
really are trying their best to tackle monsters they inherited. Inevitably, 
some are going to end up making a lot of mistakes. Some mistakes are going to 
be more spectacular than others. I just hope enough of these young 
whippersnappers survive the education process and become experienced managers 
that choose to remain within the government system. Unfortunately, once they 
get edu-ficated, many just leave for the private sector when head hunters start 
circling about and wave big bucks in front of them. And, of course, the vicious 
cycle re-edu-fication process starts all over again. Complicating matters in 
the case of Wisconsin, Scott Walker's Wisconsin Act 10 Budget repair Bill ended 
up cutting hundreds of dollars ($450 of net pay in my case) out of state 
employee's monthly salary - which went towards paying higher health insurance 
and retirement premiums. Doing so has only made it that much harder trying to 
hire a fresh new crop of state employees from the private sector.


But think positive! Government projects plus all the delegation involved can be 
capable of producing miracles. NASA took us to the moon and back using 1960s 
technology. There's that Internet thing, too.



Steven Vincent Johnson






From: Lennart Thornros [mailto:lenn...@thornros.com] 
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2015 4:40 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:NEDO RFP for cold fusion projects


Jed I like your reaction 

The conclusion to me is that government is not good at entrepreneurship, 
innovation or other things not fully understood as the result is part of the 
task to be delegated. 

Government by definition cannot delegate. I think Steven's example proves it.

That is why risk taking has been part of the capitalistic ideology.

Now we try to take that out and then we end up with an empty ideology. I think 
the say is that "nature hates vacuum" - that goes for ideology also so now the 
bureaucrats are filling the void.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros


www.StrategicLeadershipSac.com <http://www.StrategicLeadershipSac.com>  

lenn...@thornros.com <mailto:lenn...@thornros.com> 
+1 916 436 1899

202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648


“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to 
excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” PJM


On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 12:50 PM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com 
<mailto:jedrothw...@gmail.com> > wrote:

I think Mizuno meant that is no one left in Japan who is capable of applying 
for this grant, or interested in applying for it.

The document (http://www.nedo.go.jp/content/100754489.pdf) is entirely in 
Japanese, but if you look at the pages below 15, you will see the application 
form. You will recognize the bureaucratic format and get a sense of what the 
government demands. Name of institution, name of researcher, R&D area, theme, 
schedule, etc., etc. 

Here is item 2.3 run through Google translate and adjusted by me:


Implementation Structure


* For implementation system when we contract for this research and development 
project, please provide the implementation system diagrams so that the role of 
each institution is shown. Please include any subcontractors, when there is a 
joint implementation plan.


Blah, blah . . . A retired professor trying to submit something like this would 
be rejected out of hand.


I can't blame NEDO. This is tax money. The government must have accountability. 
But it just isn't going to happen with these kinds of rules.


- Jed



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