If we have something that quantum mechanically entangles two dissimilar
atoms, then these two atoms become the same combined atom at the same
location in space. Will their nuclei combine in a fusion reaction?


In the Lugano test, it looks to me like the 100 micron nickel particle
covered with lithium became entangled as a single quantum system. All the
nickel and all the lithium became involved in a nuclear fusion reaction,
Yes all N atoms in that particle and the lithium that covered it...both
Nickel and Lithium...transmuted into pure Ni62 in a single fusion reaction
through entanglement.

This is the only way that particle could have formed through transmutation.

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 3:22 PM, Bob Higgins <rj.bob.higg...@gmail.com>

> Why the strong force behaves this way - repulsion at close distance, and
> then switching to strong attraction with very short fall-off - is a core
> mystery of quantum mechanics and nuclear theory.  That having been said,
> Don Hotson's analysis of the Dirac's equation as a TOE (theory of
> everything) has a very plausible explanation of the strong force,
> predicting both the very close repulsion and the strong attraction.  This
> part of the description is in his 2nd paper, but you will need to read his
> first paper to understand the second.
> The strong attraction is an exchange force - sort of like a chemical bond
> of electrons, but with the components of the nucleon being shared between
> two nucleons.  This sharing can only happen at a very small distance.  The
> exchange force reminds me of the force between a magnet and its iron keeper
> - extremely strong at short distance and very weak at longer distance.  Not
> sure this is a good physics analogy, but it comes to mind as I think about
> it.
> I find Hotson's analysis of what Dirac's equation implies to be very
> compelling.  It really throws conventional quantum mechanics back on its
> heels!  I have his papers, but there have been links to them several times
> in Vortex.
> Bob Higgins
> On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 9:10 AM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com>
> wrote:
>> But why does the force fall off with such a high power relationship with
>> respect to separation?  If there are more than 3 spatial dimensions then
>> some of the acting flux might leak off into those mystery regions.
>> Otherwise, I am having a difficult time visualizing why it is not limited
>> in a manner similar to that seen with electromagnetic fields.  Of course,
>> if the effects are explained as a result of experiments then one is left
>> with this question unanswered.
>> Are we using data that is generated by curve fitting to observations as
>> compared to understanding the true physical phenomena underlying those
>> observations?  If true, then there is a limited opportunity available to
>> anticipate new, so far unseen, forces that might come into play under new
>> conditions.   LENR might be one of a family of possibilities waiting to be
>> discovered as better instrumentation is developed.  Of course, serendipity
>> has its place in physics as it has always led to most of the major
>> discoveries.  It has been said, "I'd rather be lucky than good."
>> Dave
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Eric Walker <eric.wal...@gmail.com>
>> To: vortex-l <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
>> Sent: Fri, Sep 11, 2015 10:32 am
>> Subject: Re: [Vo]:time, separation and neutron tunneling cross section
>> On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 8:47 AM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com>
>> wrote:
>> Does anyone know why this interaction varies as the sixth power of
>>> separation?
>> Just to clarify -- the nuclear force is the one that drops off with the
>> sixth power (per Robin).  The speculative relationship between the
>> "interaction half-life" and the separation distance is unknown, although it
>> would be great to know what it is.  (I was just providing an example of
>> what it might be.)
>> At the scale of nucleons the strong force, called the residual strong
>> force, or nuclear force, in this context, is what is left over from the
>> interaction of quarks and gluons within nucleons.  The nuclear force is
>> effective at 1 fm, and the nucleons are bound together within the nucleus
>> through the exchange of mesons, which are quite massive.  The more massive
>> the force carrier, the shorter its range.  In contrast to the residual
>> strong force, the force carrier of the strong force is the gluon, which is
>> massless and interacts with quarks.  (Credit for this goes to Wikipedia.)
>> (I wonder if this means the range of gluons is far, and if not, why not.)
>> Eric

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