Right on--

And a changing magnetic field will change the orientation of the nuclei such 
that they pass through positions and projected angular momentum states that can 
couple with other nuclei and potentially facilitate energy changes to net lower 
potential energy—more stable systems.   

I would note that the total angular momentum of a system includes its electron 
orbital angular momentum and the intrinsic angular momentum of the electrons 
and the particles that make up a the nuclei of the system.  The total angular 
momentum can only change in discrete small quanta of h/2pi which means that 
each component, the orbital and the intrinsic angular momentum  can only change 
in increments of h/2pi.

Bob Cook

From: Eric Walker 
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2015 9:06 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Re: The vacuum is the glue that keeps the universe together.

On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 10:48 PM, Bob Cook <frobertc...@hotmail.com> wrote:

  Thanks for making that interesting paper available.  I have always assumed 
that angular momentum of particles and systems can only change in discrete 
small amounts. 

This reminds me (somewhat off on a tangent to the topic of this thread) -- for 
anyone who is still learning about nuclear spin, as I am, there's an important 
detail that is easy to lose sight of.  It is that a nucleus of spin N, where N 
might be 0, 1/2, 7/2, 3, etc., will not necessarily interact with other 
particles with the full magnitude of spin.  What is important is the projection 
of the spin onto the axis of travel, which is a function of its orientation.  
So a particle with spin 3 can potentially behave as a daughter in radioactive 
decays or in interactions with other particles in the manner of a spin 0, 1, 2, 
or 3 particle, depending on its relative orientation.

Another way to say this is that there are two numbers that are important in an 
interaction -- the total angular momentum, J, which is a characteristic of the 
state of the particle, and the angular momentum along the z axis, "m," which is 
not a characteristic of its state.


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