Yeah ... I don't thinks so.  Think about it.  At 100,000,000K, you get some
small output at 100keV.  But, by the time you get to 1MeV, the blackbody
radiation intensity is down by 40 orders of magnitude - I.E. by a factor of
1E-40 . So what are you saying, that some parts of the reaction are at 1
billion K and other parts are at 100 million K?  The temperatures are just
absurd.  Can you check my calculations?

On Wed, Feb 24, 2016 at 3:07 PM, Daniel Rocha <> wrote:

> Bob Higgins,
> It could really be a black body radiation. Consider many cooling bodies.
> They will have different black body distributions at different times. So
> what you see is the sum of many black bodies at different times of a
> cooling process. It will be steep at large temperatures, since it will be a
> brief time, due fast cooling.
> --
> Daniel Rocha - RJ

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