From: David Roberson 

It appears that there are so many materials that are Mill's catalysts that it 
would be easier to list those that are not!


Yes – the large number of catalysts has been a major criticism of Mills from 
the start. 

The number of elements which are catalytic depends on how close in mass-energy 
to a multiple of 27.2 eV (the Hartree energy) the IP electron hole of the 
catalyst needs to be… and it is not as close as you might think.

As a practical matter, most of the alkalis and almost all of the transition 
metals have been implicated in “shrinkage” as well as encompassing three-body 
reactions (including hydrogen as a self-catalyst). There is almost nothing, in 
the range of common materials, which can be used as a control, since oxygen is 
also a catalyst. Adding to the problem is that the one common alkali (sodium) 
which Mills early on said was NOT a catalyst, turns out in later Mills’ papers 
to be one of the most used. Instead of explaining this discrepancy, Mills has 
conveniently overlooked and removed his earlier publications from his site. (I 
have an early addition hardback, which he can’t alter).

-----Original Message-----
From: Jones Beene 
Cobalt is also a Mills (Rydberg) catalyst with IP “holes” complementary to 
nickel and iron. A most interesting catalyst mix for exploiting ferromagnetism 
would be Ni, SmCo5, Fe2O3 and potassium. There could be 8 distinct Rydberg 
multiples available. 
From: Axil Axil 
SmCo5 has the magic hexagonal crystal structure of active LENR promoters like 
metalize hydrogen. The Sm rare earth configures the Co atoms to take on the 
hexagonal configuration which directs all the magnetic spins along the Z axis. 
Was  there a secret magnetic preparation process involved in the production of 
LENR active SmCo5? If so I will know what it was.
Russ George wrote:
I had the privilege of standing in the parking lot of the hotel where Chukanov 
had his demo running for several hours in the company of Martin Fleischmann 
fusing some of our little grey cells over that device. Chukanov answered or at 
least responded to every single question we posed to him and we sent many his 
way. It was a fascinating and captivating demo. Martin was the kind of man who 
had insatiable curiosity and not a mean molecule in his body and showed it in 
his sincere interest and professorial manner. Chukanov sent us both away with 
several large chunks of his metal. 
Meanwhile the hundreds of ICCF conference attendees almost entirely shunned the 
‘parking lot demo’ and Chukanov, especially the self-appointed high priest 
insiders of cold fusion. There was little but derision and snide attacks behind 
Chukanov’s back at the meeting. 
After a couple hours in hot afternoon sun with Chukanov and his machine Martin 
and I adjorned to the beach and floated for a long time like basking whales 
chatting about this and that.  
Somewhere in my collection of ‘cold fusion’ holy treasures I have some of 
Chukanov’s SmCo5 metal. I think I will dig it out and see if some of the recent 
‘activation’ ideas make it work even better!
From: Jones Beene 
Aha – so that’s where Dennis Cravens probably got the idea to use SmCo in his 
famous NI Week Demo. Notably, samarium has a high percentage of radioactive 
isotopes which could be activate by fractional hydrogen.
From: Russ George 
What about the demo of Chukanov at the ICCF meeting in Hawaii many years ago. 
In large cylinders crushed and powdered SmCo5, magnetic metal, was cycled with 
hydrogen loading and deloading and produced kilowatts of apparent excess heat!
From: Jones Beene 
… but wait, there’s more… (best Billy Mays’ tin cup plea) 
In another experiment you may not have heard of - from Bockris and Sundaresan 
in 1994 - it was shown that magnetic stimulation boosted excess heat 
substantially in a Pd-D electrolysis cell. This line of work leads up to the 
Letts-Cravens effect – wrt understanding the influence of a magnetic field on 
“After the cathode had been charged with deuterium for 48 hours at a current of 
80 mA, the cell was placed in the field of a permanent magnet of 200 Gauss 
strength. The cell electrolyte temperature rose to 5°C  above ambient after 230 
seconds. After 576 seconds, the magnet was replaced by two Neodymium magnets 
with a 800 Gauss field. The temperature immediately started increasing and 
reached 13.5 °C above ambient in about 15 minutes and remained constant. The 
temperature returned when the magnet was removed… [end of Bockris quote]
The $64 question - why isn’t a magnetic field fully employed in the glow-stick 
experiments?  By “fully employed” it is meant that: yes, the heater wire does 
provide a minimal field but increasing the field strength by an order of 
magnitude could be beneficial.
… relevant comment: those who do not remember the past cannot benefit from its 
insight-  paraphrase of famous Santayana quote, which is the logic behind the 
LENR-CANR library.

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