Jed, I don't read IH's statement the way you see it. It could just as well been because Krivit claimed in New Energy Times that IH and Rossi had parted company.

If Rossi releases the ERV report or even the synopsis, giving the credentials of the ERV that would be proof positive. I expect IH will back it anyway in due course.

You might read the piece from Ego Out
Title: 'The IH/Rossi ERV Report'
Doug Marker (dsm). Sydney Australia.

" Many general observers of the stories seem to believe that both parties in the IH/Rossi test *owe* it to them for IH or Rossi to disclose the full results. That is IMHO (and from a business perspective) unrealistic, and something of a fantasy. If this author were IH, I would never disclose *any such detail* beyond the bare minimum information required to meet legal obligations to all parties involved. The disclosures only need to be such that other businesses could draw their own *business* conclusions and consider entering into secure discussions with IH on future ventures in the countries that they have secured rights for. It is no secret that ‘Energy’ is a multi trillion dollar business. IH did not enter into this venture to entertain the expectant the public.

So, IMHO, any other expectations (or demands) of IH and Rossi, are unrealistic and somewhat self serving. IH only owes disclosure of results to itself and in a broader sense, to its investors (they do not even need to disclose the blow-by-blow detail to them). Rossi would have a very strong desire to have his technology endorsed as that would elevate his position in the 'new energy' stakes and would give great credence to any other claims he makes (and he makes many). Any serious investors with significant existing energy portfolios would want a swift yes/no answer as to if ‘new energy’ is real and if yes, then *time* to re-organize their investments and positions."
"The IH 'test' initiative was a very valid and a very useful one even if it actually proved the Rossi process didn't deliver. Some critics of IH and Woodford clearly fail to grasp the significance of what IH undertook and what the answer means to many of the investors. They shared the risk as the answer good or bad has great value to them. One may even ask if this 12 month test and any more delays, bought another 12+ months for savvy investors with energy portfolios, to plan their futures and realign their portfolios accordingly. Is this what the Saudis and the Rockefellers are doing ?. Time will tell, but when it does, the party and re-positioning may already be over in the investment sense."

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