-----Original Message-----
From: H Ucar 

... I had speculated about possibility of a bound state of e- and e+ at a short 
distance through magnetic interaction different from para/ortho positroniums 
and if the bond will be stable this would be a candidate for dark matter (WIMP).

The lack of the characteristic gamma is the most problematic feature of this 
boson, and the same with Holmlid's muons. Why is it missing? Don Hotson had an 
answer - there is no real annihilation event. This explanation is moving into 
the EPO/Epola territory of Hotson/Simhony where the electron and positron are 
the actual makeup of the vacuum, and annihilation events are not favored and 
rare. It would be analogous to ordinary salt crystal lattices where ions 
oscillate in and out but do not convert substantial mass to energy when they 
neutralize into the crystal. But with epos, the "crystal" is the background 
state which is hidden from sensory perception.

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