In reply to  Jed Rothwell's message of Fri, 17 Jun 2016 18:00:10 -0400:
><> wrote:
>Rubbish. The ignition of the fuel in a normal car engine cylinder results
>> in a
>> power production on the order of half a megawatt for a couple of
>> milliseconds,
>> and that's just chemical energy (with maybe few hydrinos thrown in ;).
>Really? Hmmm . . . How do you figure that?
>At 60 mph a typical old car consumes ~20 mpg. 1 gallon is 3.8 L, so that's
>0.19 L per mile (or per minute). 1 L of gasoline produces 34.2 MJ. Divide
>by 20 to get 1.71 MJ per minute. 

Using your figures of 34.2 MJ/L and 0.19 L/minute I get 6.5 MJ/min, however
that's for 6 cylinders, so for 1 cylinder that would be about 
1 MJ/min = 18 kJ/sec.

>A single piston stroke produces only a
>small fraction of that. I don't know how long it takes the gasoline to
>burn, but I doubt such a small amount would reach the half-megawatt level.
>Here is a paper on the burn rate of gasoline, which you have to pay for:
>At 60 mph, I think engines run at about 2500 rpm. A single piston stroke
>with a 6-cylinder engine running at 2500 rpm would consume . . . ummm . .
>.1.71 MJ / 15,000 = 114 joules. Right? That takes only 0.0002 s to burn?
>- Jed

A 4 stroke engine has one power stroke/cylinder every 2 cycles, so at 2500 rpm,
that's 1250 power strokes/cylinder/min = 21 power strokes/cylinder/sec. So each
power stroke/cylinder produces 18 kJ/21 or about 860 J.

At 2500 rpm, there is a revolution (360 deg) every 24 ms.
If combustion happens within 10 deg. of TDC, then combustion time is
24 ms*(10/360) = 0.67 of a ms.

860 J / 0.67 ms is about 1.3 MW.

The assumption I have made here is that combustion happens with 10 deg. of TDC,
which I am unsure about. It may not actually be complete in that time.

The figures I used initially were a little different to yours, hence my original
calculation was also somewhat different.


Robin van Spaandonk

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