In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Fri, 17 Jun 2016 15:38:19 -0400:
>R, Mills has alway asserted that the energy that he sees in his experiments
>were based on CHEMICAL processes which are driven by the particular
>characteristics of the hydrino theory. There always has been a
>correspondence between the small amount of energy produced by LENR
>experiments and the small amounts of energy produced by hydrinos.
>In this latest SunCell experiment, R. Mills is seeing huge quantities of
>excess power produced in these reactor meltdowns, in the megawatt range.
>There is no way that such huge amounts of power can be produced by chemical

Rubbish. The ignition of the fuel in a normal car engine cylinder results in a
power production on the order of half a megawatt for a couple of milliseconds,
and that's just chemical energy (with maybe few hydrinos thrown in ;).

I suspect that if you look into brisant explosives you will get even more.

Because Hydrino reactions produce 100-1000 times more energy than a normal
chemical reaction, megawatt powers are to me expected.


Robin van Spaandonk

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