Axil Axil <> wrote:

> There seems to be a pattern developing in the LENR body politic. The
> systems integrator discredits the LENR inventor using the same flow meter
> gambit.

You are talking about Defkalion and Rossi. No one else. There is no
pattern. It happens that they both used flow meters to commit fraud, but
Rossi also used several other instruments as well. Details have not yet
been released. Some of his other tricks contributed more to the fake COP of
50 than the flow meter did.

Then the systems integrator takes advantage of the IP of the defunct
> inventor to advance their business prospects.

There is no IP. There is nothing to take advantage of. The claims were lies
and nonsense, with no value.

> Jeb seems to support without exception the systems integrator using info
> provided by the systems integrator involving the flow meter.

"Without exception" meaning in these two cases, and in no other case in the
history of cold fusion.

> The IP of the inventor eventually shows up in a patent that the systems
> integrator has a commercial interest in.

There can be no valid patents. The reactors produce no heat.

- Jed

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