While the engines example of energy production is frequently used, the
engines would have to be running full bore constantly.  I like Peter Van
Noorden's example of the energy for 1MW for 350 days - about 1/3 the energy
of a Hiroshima size nuclear bomb.  That is truly a lot of Joules to hide.

If I had to pick a reason for running a 1MW LENR experiment, it would be to
make so much heat that the excess and anomalous heat outcome would be
unmistakable and clearly beyond possible error.  Yet, in typical Rossi
fashion, he has made yet another experiment that is questionable to the
point as to make it inconclusive.  Validating the outcome should have been
part a core reason for having an independent customer - to provide a
verification of the  heat delivered.  It is insane to make the customer's
side secret - it should have been a second independent measure of the heat

On Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 11:08 PM, Daniel Rocha <danieldi...@gmail.com>

> 2 or 3 large trucks motors can use up to 1MW.
> 2016-08-15 0:23 GMT-03:00 Giovanni Santostasi <gsantost...@gmail.com>:
>> I will come up with other type of physical processes and chemical
>> reactions in the next few days and we can see how many tons of chemicals
>> you will need.

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