On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 7:53 PM, Roarty, Francis X <
francis.x.roa...@lmco.com> wrote:

> https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/08/160822152626.htm
> “"This general subject is what's known as cavity quantum electrodynamics
> (QED)," Kono said. "In cavity QED, the cavity enhances the light so that
> matter in the cavity resonantly interacts with the vacuum field. What is
> unique about solid-state cavity QED is that the light typically interacts
> with this huge number of electrons, which behave like a single gigantic
> atom."”

Light and matter are essentially manifestations of the same energetic
motions (of whatever): so it's not surprising that, with the proper
geometries and harmonics, they can be effortlessly made to manifest each
other 'symbiotically', on-demand, in a lab. Sooner or later Humans were
going to find out how.

But who beat us to it..!?

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