---- Original Message ----- From: "Zell, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 9:37 AM
Subject: RE: Who Killed the EV?

I don't see any need for any conspiracy to kill off electric cars at
all.   The range is awful, they take time to recharge, the battery life
sucks and they are small
- especially when compared to the profitable SUV's that US manufacturers
produce.  They suck.

It's a chicken and egg thing. Sure, there isn't much "demand" for electric vehicles at the moment. But that is mainly because the auto companies have no interest in developing them or marketing them. People just don't know about EVs and their advantages, especially for people who don't drive very far. I'm sure with gasoline prices more than double from where they stood when the EV as introduced in 1997, a lot more people would be interested in EVs that cost only 1/4 to operate than petrol cars.

The auto companies certainly aren't showing any interest in developing EVs. Sure there are range limitations and other issues. But how they going to improve the technology when no development effort is put into improving it? A natural step towards EVs would be plug-in hybrids. There is no reason why plug-in hybrids couldn't be used to provide short driving ranges on electricity and longer driving ranges on gasoline. As battery technology improves, such as longer life and faster charge lithium-ion batteries, plug-in hybrids can slowly by shifted more towards batteries and less towards petroleum.

I think the disinterest is a natural business inclination by auto/oil companies not to invest in and promote technologies that would hurt them in the long run. They know the sucessful introduction of plug-in hybrids and EVs would hurt their industries terribly. A lot less cars would require maintence and spare parts and perhaps would last longer with electric engines. Oil would esstentially cease to be used for automotive purposes, and would become a niche commodity used for lubricants and petrochemicals.

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