From IE issue 131, now available online.

Good info on ICCF in this issue - most of which will be brought up in later posts on dense hydrogen and iron catalyst.

A star of this issue, hidden in plain view, could be plain old IRON - the metal.

Iron is a Mills catalyst and notably a part of the catalyst (Shell 105) used by Holmlid. Iron could be as active as nickel for making dense hydrogen and could explain several cosmological oddities when it converts hydrogen into the densest form.

Swartz and Nagel report two perspectives. But fist, as reported by George Egely (of dusty plasma fame) - here is a sleeper from C.R. Narayanaswamy of India, who was not there - and who is not a cold fusion researcher, but who claims to have stumbled onto an industrial-scale level transmutation of iron and other elements in an electric arc, according to the report.

This is easy to overlook, given the circumstances and potential lack of credibility (third hand) but here are the details. CRN is the manager of a smelting plant in Southern India. The plant uses electric carbon arc technology to melt iron. It is easy to measure the input of carbon, iron and Si, as well as the output. We are talking tons here, not milligrams.

"The daily input of Si and Fe was 20.479 tons at his smelting
plant, and the output was 24.75 tons. *There was a daily**
**excess of 4.27 tons of iron and silica."*

"The massive amount of 4.27 tons/day of transmutations ought to raise the curiosity of all cold fusion researchers. The family of fusion reactions are known as Oshawa reactions."

Egely has been promoting this kind of controversial transmutation for some time. He wants us to believe that carbon can be transmuted into iron. But details are absent which probably indicate other explanations.

It is hard to say much about the anecdote from India, other than "why isn't it more thoroughly investigated" -- but it is pretty clear from Egely's own dust plasma experiment, which he is still promoting, that he intentionally overlooks the well-know conversion of carbon into a magnetic version of carbon - not into iron.

Why chose "transmutation" for which there is zero real proof, when a simpler answer is known and being investigated ?

Were it not for that this overlooked detail in Egely's own work, the report from India would have a bit more credence, and one hopes that it will be further investigated. But the more obvious situation is that 4.27 ton "excess" comes from a cheaply made carbon electrode, consumed in the process... and the report fails to mention various carbides and other relevant details of the output.

So this sleeper report is "out there" along with many other oddities from India ... but not anything to take seriously, as of now. There are also a number of suspicious papers from Universities in India on water-splitting using one 6% of the normal power but let's not confuse and multiply errors.

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