On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 6:01 PM, <bobcook39...@gmail.com> wrote:

One must look at all the mass involved, not just the Fe.  Oxides and carbon
> mass may also be involved.

The iron in iron oxide would presumably not be included in the "excess
iron", because it's already iron.  And the carbon would be a wash, existing
in equal quantities before and after.  If we're assuming a change in
nucleus, as Narayanaswamy does, then there are the parent nuclides,
whatever they are, and the daughters, which in this case is the excess
iron.  The change in nucleus is what causes the mass deficit (or mass
excess) as a result of the putative nuclear reaction.  That change in mass
between parent and daughter nuclides is what implies an unrealistically
huge energy release or deficit.


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