This may be the problem with the app.  Oh what a pain.

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Znidarsic <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Sun, Apr 16, 2017 10:49 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Why Scientists Must Share Their Failures

Sharing now:

Tried a silver 22 gauge wire in hydrogen and then helium at one atm.
I put the wire and the gas in a small plastic bottle upside down so in case it 
up it would project no shrapnel.  Wires for the RF stimulation enter at the 

The wire was stimulated with RF (1 to 100 MHZ) and with a milli watt laser.  I 
did not use my high voltage spark gap exciter but rather a signal generator.

No anomalous energy was produced and the arrangement is still setting there 
doing nothing.  So much for that.


On the app side I am trying to get a video recorder up and recording.  My last 
apps did audio.  The programming
seems similar, however, the error appears "media-recorder failed to start"  I 
have no clue and no help.  I may quit this for now as I need to fix the roof, 
paint, treat for termites, work on one of the cars, clean the cellar, and 
similar spring time stuff.



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