One consideration that I feel is important to understand is what PT
symmetry violation means with respect to CP symmetry violation. We
understand that we can produce PT symmetry breaking using optical
mechanisms but can PT symmetry violation somehow generate CP violation
which is required to produce the decay of the nucleon (protons and

>From the various descriptions of symmetry in this article:

Space time (PT) Symmetry is only valid in an open system where energy
and/or matter can be gained or lost. In a closed system, PT symmetry does
not exist since a closed system can neither gain nor lose energy and/or
matter. Because LENR requires CP symmetry breaking and CP symmetry breaking
requires PT symmetry breaking, LENR can only occur in an open system.

Open vs. Closed Systems

Systems can be either open or closed. A closed system is one where a
quantity or series of quantities cannot enter or leave the system. For
example, a system might be closed to energy, meaning energy might not be
able to enter or leave the system. A vacuum thermos flask does a really
good job of stopping energy from leaving the system to keep your drink
warm. So it might make sense to treat it as a closed system - but no system
in the real world is ever perfectly closed, so it will only be an

The opposite of a closed system is an open system. An open system is one
where a quantity or series of quantities can enter or leave the system to a
significant degree. If you pour your hot drink into a mug instead of a
vacuum thermos flask, the heat will escape relatively quickly into its
surroundings. So a mug is most certainly an open system! Open systems are a
lot more complicated to understand than closed systems, and so scientists
prefer to work with closed systems when possible. Science usually stays
away from open systems because closed systems makes things much simpler to
explain and can be a good starting point before trying to explain open
systems, too. Quantum mechanics only deals with closed systems.

Traveling backward in time.

If you make a movie of yourself throwing a ball, and thread the film
backwards, it'll look the same as you catching a ball. So if you want to
think of the falling object as being the same as the rising one going
backwards in time, the physics will support that statement, but it doesn't
sound all that cool.  It is, however, the same thing as antimatter being
viewed as going backwards in time.

At the most basic level, the laws of physics are symmetrical: reverse time
and they will follow the same route in reverse.  Reverse the charge, and
things will be attracted where they would have repulsed, and vice versa.
Flip them both, and you've flipped it twice, so it's just like you started.

Since a positron is exactly like an electron, only with the opposite
charge, then if you (a) replace an electron with a positron, and (b)
reverse time, it behaves exactly like an electron.  The physicists call
this Charge/Parity (CP) symmetry, where "parity" is actually more like
looking at things in a mirror rather than flipping time, but it's the same

Flipping time is another way of looking at flipping left and right: a
left-moving object going forwards in time is just like a right-moving
object moving backwards.

An electron like a ball sitting in the same spot is a closed system. It
cannot change into a positron because it is not moving. The motionless ball
is a closed system which cannot experience CP symmetry breaking. A moving
ball is an open system where its motion can be deemed to have CP symmetry.

So in an open system that has experienced PT symmetry breaking, LENR occurs
because the nucleon undergoes CP symmetry breaking since in this case PT =

In optics, there are special conditions involving optical cavities that can
experience PT summitry breaking. These cavities can reach out magnetically
and become entangled with nucleons via their magnetic projections. This
phenomenon is known as the chiral magnetic effect(1) — “chiral” means
“distinguishing left from right, When PT symmetry is broken in these
entangled open systems of optical cavities and nucleons decay via CP
symmetry breaking. The energy of the nucleon decay flows one way into the
optical cavity.

It seems to me that it is central to the understanding of LENR to
appreciate the mechanisms of symmetry breaking with regards to nucleons.

1 -

On Sun, Apr 23, 2017 at 9:47 PM, Axil Axil <> wrote:

> A post that might hold some insights as follows:
>    1. Giuseppe April 23, 2017 at 3:37 PM
> <>
>    Dear Andrea,
>    seems that to activate the E-Cat you need heat, does the QuarkX need
>    heat to be activated?
>    Best regards, Giuseppe
>    2. Andrea Rossi April 23, 2017 at 3:48 PM
> <>
>    Giuseppe:
>    Not exactly. The mechanism is much more complex and is based on
>    electromagnetic fields.
>    Warm Regards,
>    A.R.
> ================
> The nature of the LENR reaction has evolved when the gas envelope is in
> the plasma state to depend solely on optical mechanisms. An EMF trigger is
> the factor can gets the LENR reaction going. not heat. As stated in the
> Rossi patent, very high voltage electrostatic potential is that trigger.
> The name of the triggering effect is "kerr effect". The minimum voltage at
> which the kerr effect is triggered is 30,000 volts.
> This trigger applies to both Rossi's low temperature reactions and his
> plasma based reactions.
> Kerr electro-optic effect
> The Kerr electro-optic effect, or DC Kerr effect, is the special case in
> which a slowly varying external electric field is applied by, for instance,
> a voltage <> on electrodes across
> the sample material. Under this influence, the sample becomes birefringent
> <>, with different indices of
> refraction for light polarized
> <> parallel to or
> perpendicular to the applied field. The difference in index of refraction
> is controlled by the strength of the applied electric field.
> [image: 1-physicistsob.jpg]
> Birefringence modifies how light behaves inside a whispering gallery wave.
> Birefringence is the optical <> property
> of a material having a refractive index
> <> that depends on the
> polarization <> and
> propagation direction of light <>.
> These optically anisotropic <> 
> materials
> are said to be birefringent (or birefractive). The birefringence is often
> quantified as the maximum difference between refractive indices exhibited
> by the material. Crystals <> with
> non-cubic crystal structures
> <> are often birefringent,
> as are plastics <> under mechanical
> stress <>.
> The kerr effect produces a change in stated of the optical properties that
> underpin the LENR reaction. Research should be directed at finding where
> that change of state sets in.
> As in Holmlid's experiments, a laser can produce the kerr effect
> Optical Kerr effect
> The optical Kerr effect, or AC Kerr effect is the case in which the
> electric field is due to the light itself. This causes a variation in index
> of refraction which is proportional to the local irradiance
> <> of the light. This refractive
> index variation is responsible for the nonlinear optical
> <> effects of self-focusing
> <>, self-phase modulation
> <> and modulational
> instability <>, and
> is the basis for Kerr-lens modelocking
> <>. This effect only
> becomes significant with very intense beams such as those from lasers
> <>. The optical Kerr effect has also
> been observed to dynamically alter the mode-coupling properties in
> multimode fibre, a technique that has potential applications for
> all-optical switching mechanisms.

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