Bob Higgins <> wrote:

> Calculated values for COP from the data graphs during this sparge test
> varied from 0.5-0.7 depending on the span of time taken.

That is a low recovery rate. I think because the bucket was small and they
ran the test for a long time, letting the water get hot.

>  At the conclusion of the test, there would have been unrecovered heat
> left in the device, and of course, the short rubber outlet hose was not
> insulated, so the COP would be expected to be <1 if there was no excess
> heat.  If the actual COP had been >2, the measured COP values would
> probably have been consistently above 1.0 . . .

Probably. Especially in the first 10 minutes before the water in the bucket
gets hot, I would expect it to be well above 1.0.

The beauty of this technique is that you can take any time segment and
compute the enthalpy: 10 minutes, 20 minutes or whatever. The problem is,
as the water in the bucket heats up, more heat escapes. Eventually, heat
losses equal input heat and the temperature stops rising. In other words,
this technique only works in the adiabatic phase, which does not last for
long with such a small bucket.

me356, the man of mystery, says that it did not work because "the
circulation pump was incorrect set. It cooled too hard to achieve working
temperature." In tests of this nature, things often go wrong. That's why
you have to plan to be there for several days. You have to cut the inventor
a lot of slack. Be patient.

Here is what I wrote at lenr-forum --

Evidently [the me356 gadget] it is not working at the moment. Let us hope
we find out if it ever did work. Assume he gets the pump working correctly,
and he puts everything in conditions that he believes should work. Assume
also that his instruments then show excess heat, but the MFMP project
instruments disagree. In that case, we can be pretty sure he made a
mistake. That outcome wouldn't surprise me in the least. It might take a
few days to figure out what the mistake is.

Whatever happens, I should say that my estimate of me356 has gone way up.
Just by letting these people in the door he enhanced his own credibility a
great deal. Kudos to him. I take back the insults I wrote here previously.

If it turns out the gadget does not work, then me356 wasted a year chasing
a phantom, and he should have invited outsiders to check his results
earlier. That often happens. Working in secret with no independent
confirmation is a stupid thing to do.

- Jed

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