The first MFMP test of the Me356 reactor was a steam sparge test that was
asked for by Jed Rothwell.  The reactor's output steam+entrained water were
cooled in a bucket of water and discharged into the bucket.  By measuring
the temperature rise of the water vs. time, the output power (heat) could
be calculated.  This first test just concluded with what appears to be [my
opinion] a negative result for excess heat based on calculations from the
graphed data posted during the test.  Calculated values for COP from the
data graphs during this sparge test varied from 0.5-0.7 depending on the
span of time taken.  At the conclusion of the test, there would have been
unrecovered heat left in the device, and of course, the short rubber outlet
hose was not insulated, so the COP would be expected to be <1 if there was
no excess heat.  If the actual COP had been >2, the measured COP values
would probably have been consistently above 1.0, but they were not [again,
my opinion].  A more exact reading on the result will come from direct
analysis of the raw data.

The MFMP team will return tomorrow for additional testing using other, more
accurate measurement methods.


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