Jones Beene <> wrote:

No ! You seem to be confusing chemistry with nuclear reactions. Heat is not
> being stored but altered reactants are.

Incorrect. Any method of storing energy -- chemical, mechanical, electrical
or nuclear -- must result in a heat deficit. All energy converts to heat.
Whether the heat sources is chemical or nuclear, all of the energy in the
end converts to heat, and only heat leaves the calorimeter.

Obviously, the heat itself is not stored. I did not say that, and I did not
mean it.

When you load a hydride, chemical energy is stored -- not heat itself. More
energy goes in than comes out. There is an energy deficit, and when the
hydride is inside calorimeter, that shows up as a heat deficit.

When you charge a battery, electricity is stored as a chemical change.
Total energy leaving the cell is less than energy going in. Because heat is
the only form of energy a calorimeter can detect, and because all sources
and all forms of energy must eventually degrade into heat, the calorimeter
sees a deficit. Other instruments will show the stored energy in other
forms. An electric power meter attached to the battery will show the stored
energy as increased potential electricity (voltage or specific gravity),
but a calorimeter can only measure it as a heat deficit while the battery
is charged.

Mechanically winding up a spring inside a calorimeter will show a complete
heat deficit. That is to say, you put work into the spring, but no heat is
produced. This was a classic 19th century experiment performed by J. P.
Joule. This would violate the First Law if the energy were not stored in
the spring, by changing the internal structure of the spring.

What you are describing would be a violation of the First Law. You cannot
store energy into a system and not reduce the amount of energy that comes
out of the system.

> The dense deuterium which is created and stored using some of the heat of
> the ongoing reaction can and does react after power is cut.

If dense deuterium is created, and this stores energy, less energy degrades
into heat, and there is a heat deficit. This does not happen.

- Jed

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