Kevin O'Malley <> wrote:

> The Penon report?!?
> ​***ALL of it.   The Penon report, the supposed heat exchanger, all of it.
>   If the Penon report is as fraudulent as you make it out to  be, then
> Rossi would be up on charges for that.

Nope. The legal system does not sue scientists for publishing fraudulent or
idiotic reports. One reason is that no one can tell fools and frauds apart.
When I first saw Penon's data I though Penon and Rossi were fools, and I
could see they were copying data from one day to the next, which is
borderline fraud, but I never imagined they were engaged in wholesale
fraud. The full report plus the report from Murray are proof of that.

If the legal system were to arrest scientists for stupid mistakes and bad
reports, most scientists would be in jail. As Bohr said, an expert is
someone who has made every possible mistake.

The police also do not investigate people who pretend to have heat
exchangers and who do bad calorimetry. There are dozens of dishonest people
selling fake over-unit engines (perpetual motion machines). Even when they
take large sums of money from the public, the police do not bother them, as
far as I know. Perhaps they should, but they don't.

>   All the other stuff would be icing on the cake.   But Rossi is not up on
> charges.   The standard of proof for civil cases (fraud in this case) is
> "preponderance of evidence" and IH couldn't make the case.

I don't know if they could or not. Perhaps they concluded Rossi has no
money. Perhaps they feared a jury of fools might award Rossi instead.
That's what worried me. All in all, I am glad the whole thing was dropped
with prejudice, even though I wanted to see Rossi get his comeuppance.

The main point I want to make is that regardless of what the legal system
rules are, or preponderance of this or that, anyone with technical
knowledge can see from the Penon report that Rossi is a fraud. If you can't
see that, you don't have technical knowledge. Or you blinded by wishful
thinking. Insofar as this is a technical debate based on scientific &
engineering laws, divorced from the legal system and its standard of proof,
there is no doubt Rossi is a liar and a fake.

Perhaps you disagree. If so, you are mistaken. End of story.

- Jed

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