from my studies of physics history, what "they" (educators of physics) do is 
dumb down the history when teach to physics students; so "they" miss out 
teaching that unified field theory presented in 1758 by Boscovich, because not 
part of the curriculum that are told to teach so miss it out; supposedly for 
the purpose of making the subject easier to understand in the sense of being 
able to pass exams.
So, when you have people like Tesla working on physics pre-Quantum and 
pre-relativity revolutions, the type of physics they were working on which they 
knew about was Boscovich theory.


    On Friday, 29 September 2017, 20:58, ROGER ANDERTON 
<> wrote:

 missed out unified field theory presented in 1758
>From Boscovich's theory to modern quantum theory: Prof Dragoslav Stoiljkovic

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>From Boscovich's theory to modern quantum theory: Prof Dragoslav Stoilj...
 "From Boscovich's theory to modern quantum theory": talk by retired Professor 
Dragoslav Stoiljkovi...  |   |




    On Friday, 29 September 2017, 20:04, Axil Axil <> wrote:

 For a 100 year history of LENR including Moray and Papp, see

On Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 2:00 PM, Chris Zell <> wrote:

 Unfortunately this leaves you blind to scams by experts Rossi, Papp, Mills and 
Mayer.I’m not sure that Papp and Meyer were complete scams. Papp in particular, 
seemed to have something.  The Feynman incident suggests to me that there was 
something real about his claims.Beyond that, I’ve never read a credible 
explanation for what Moray was able to demonstrate.  



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