John Berry wrote:
> I have been on vortex for, well not as long as some but I guess, hmmm,
> might be over a decade now though, lurking more often than not.
> Anyway it seems that on topic posts are kinda rare, especially if you
> assume that the topic is not just alternative sources of energy but IMO
> things the "skeptics" would have issues which, physics they would
> consider impossible, not just greener forms of energy.
> So as I believe it was originally envisioned this meant:
> Perpetual Motion (not technical perpetual motion, rather creation of energy)
> Energy from unknown sources.
> Negative entropy
> Cold Fusion
> Antigravity
> Other anomalous physics.
> These subjects have with the exception of cold fusion (thanks to Jed)
> composed I believe a minority of posts for a long time now.
> Personally my interest is in the aether and I have much evidence for a
> model I have developed which explains most everything and roughly how to
> do almost anything, but I can not imagine trying to wade into that
> subject here.
> But there is one bit of my research that we could get into, it is a Free
> Energy device that is well replicated and has been replicated by a
> previous list member, it can be assembled with off the shelf components.
> It seems able to produce useful levels of power far greater than the input.
> And it also has a secondary quality that "proves" that something very
> novel is occurring.
> In theory manufacture of these could be accomplished very realistically.
> If anyone is genuinely interested I am happy to expand as time permits.

Sure, I'd be very interested, and I imagine a lot of other folks would
be, too.

Of course, if it's a "replicated" "free energy" device then the first
question to ask is whether the loop has been closed, and the next
question may very well be "why not?" and there should be a good answer
to that if the thing is to be interesting.

(But if you post details I will also be happy to post a theoretical
deconstruction, if it seems appropriate; just so you know... and if it's
a magmo you'd better have something more convincing than a lost
videotape to support the claim that it works! (cf SMOT))

> Also is anyone here genuinely interested in orgne

Orgone?  Interesting to read about but my suspension of disbelief gets
strained if I try to think about it too much.

> /torsion

Dunno, not sure what it is.  You mean torsion gravity?

> /aether

Sure, if your theory predicts the null result observed in the MM
experiments *and* predicts the exact fringe shift observed in the Sagnac
experiments, *and* if it actually produces predictions which differ from
LET somewhere down the line.

Proposing an aether theory which doesn't meet these requirements does
seem a little like an attempt at an attempt at resurrecting the
phlogiston theory.

OTOH if the math is identical to LET, which is mathematically identical
to SR, then the interest level is a bit reduced, as the aether becomes
an undetectable ghost in that case which must be taken on faith.

> etc..?

"etc" is always good.

> The evidence that it is the very conditioning of space that is key to
> these more extraordinary technologies and events (ball lightening for
> instance)

Isn't there a reasonably coherent explanation of ball lightning in the
mainstream literature at this point?  I thought I read somewhere that
there is, with some experimental results to back it up.  But I'm not
sure, need to go digging, if it ever becomes and issue.

> is overwhelming and they actually with nothing but observation
> produce an extremely coherant picture, but in a decade online I have not
> found really anyone interested in such.

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