2009/9/15 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax <a...@lomaxdesign.com>:
> At 08:59 AM 9/15/2009, Michel Jullian wrote:
>> Silver would be eaten away and would plate out onto the cathode, so
> About the silver, of course. Yes, the anode must be platinum, or plated
> platinum.

I just found out that the Galileo Project protocol had been released,
a very nice work:


(even Google didn't know this url, nor did it know the file name, why
such modesty Steve?)

Quoting the main file TGP0-Lab Protocol V5.1b.pdf entitled "The
Galileo Project December 3, 2008 Update 5.1b":

"Tentatively, gold cathode wire seems to give strongest results, then
palladium, silver and nickel, in decreasing order."

This would preclude use of platinum as a cathode wire as you are
proposing, or is this a typo (palladium instead of platinum)?


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