Just a thought: has anyone ever tried aiming neutrons from a Farnsworth Fusor at a loaded sample of nickel/H or palladium/D? I assume a Fusor could be tuned to emit neutrons of any kinetic energy one chose?

Fusion is regarded as so difficult because the temperature needed to overcome the Coulomb barrier is millions of degrees but in terms of electron volts it is no problem at all. It is trivial to achieve fusion in a Fusor. I just wondered if a guaranteed easy source of fusion neutrons may set off the LENR reaction.

Another thought: how about forming a nanoscale "sponge" out of ceramic piezolectric/triboelectric material, plating it with P or Ni, loading it up with D or H and then zapping the piezoelectric material with high frequency/high amplitude electric voltage. See what happens.

Nick Palmer

On the side of the Planet - and the people - because they're worth it

Blogspot - Sustainability and stuff according to Nick Palmer

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