In reply to  Roarty, Francis X's message of Tue, 27 Oct 2009 18:12:32 -0400:

In short then, you believe it's impossible because 

"The lowest orbital is kept away from the proton by an intervening stream of
virtual particles" ?

>       IMHO all orbital ground states have a balance point between the ambient 
> ratio of short to long vacuum fluctuations (local curvature of space time) 
> from event horizons at one extreme to Casimir cavities at the other. The 
> lowest orbital is kept away from the proton by an intervening stream of 
> virtual particles similar to Puthoffs model keeping all orbitals from 
> decaying. That balance point can only appear to change if the curvature of 
> space time changes but being 3D creatures we remain unaware of temporal 
> orientation just as chalkboard figures are unaware of depth. I would extend 
> his model to suggest the particles represent a time axis stream intersecting 
> our spatial dimensions for only a brief instant we call the "present". From 
> the time axis perspective we are unaware of relativistic changes because our 
> atoms change 4D shape such that the vortex between the orbital and the 
> nucleus at its base remain a constant volume like Ron Mallets coffee analogy 
> - the faster you stir it
>the deeper the vortex gets but the radius of the spinning froth on the coffee 
>surface seems to get smaller proportional to the depth.
>I think Bourgoins 2006 paper estimating different radial velocities for the 
>different fractional quantum states fails to make it clear that those 
>velocities are invisible to that atoms themselves or nearby atoms and strictly 
>reflects a differential measurement between inertial frames -It is actually 
>decelerating relative to us outside the cavity because of the broken isotropy 
>of the Casimir plates making "us" somewhat equivalent to the faster twin 
>approaching C relative to the slower acceleration fields inside the cavity. 
>Best Regards
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [] 
>Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 4:26 PM
>Subject: Re: [Vo]:Nickel has unique physical properties
>Hi Fran,
>On your web site you state:
>"The hydrino as defined by Dr Randell Mills has a "real" fractional quantum
>state (sub-ground state) which is impossible."
>Why is it impossible in your opinion?
>(BTW private email to your email address is rejected for security reasons).
>Robin van Spaandonk

Robin van Spaandonk

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