One more comment on Leonardo Technologies, Inc. and the past history of Dr
Andrea Rossi. This is important only in that it may affect the credibility
of the fusion report. Obviously, if the fusion R&D were true in the apparent
COP, it would be an earth-shaking discovery. It is far better than any prior
NiH system which has been reported, but apparently there is a history here
which cannot be ignored.

LTI was incorporated as a response to the thermoelectric power generation
research (and patent) by Dr. Rossi. Dr. Rossi indicated that his devices
would produce 20 percent efficiencies, a vast increase from the current
science of 4 percent conversion of waste heat to electrical power. 

Dr. Rossi believed that he could increase the physical size of the TE
Devices and maintain superior power generation. In furtherance of his
research, in early 2000, LTI had tests conducted at the University of New
Hampshire (UNH), Durham, NH, using a small scale LTI TEG Device. 

Over a period of 7 days, the UNH power plant staff recorded voltage and
amperage readings every 1/2 hr. The TE Device produced approximately 100
volts and 1 ampere of current, providing 100 watts of power. After this
initial success, and a fire that destroyed his Manchester, NH location, Dr.
Rossi returned to Italy to continue the manufacture of the TE Devices. 

In Italy, Dr. Rossi believed that LTI could manufacture more cost-effective
TE generating devices with lower labor and assembly costs. Accordingly, Dr.
Rossi engaged a subcontractor to fulfill the requirements of manufacturing
and assembly. Unfortunately, the Italian subcontractor was unable to provide
second-generation TE Devices with satisfactory power generation. 

Nineteen of 27 TE Devices shipped to CTC, Johnstown, PA, were incapable of
generating electricity for a variety of reasons, from mechanical failure to
poor workmanship. The remaining eight produced less than 1 watt of power
each, significantly less than the expected 800-1000 watts each.

End or quote. Make of it what you will. It is clear that had the TEG
performed as expected, then Rossi would be as wealthy as ...? ... not Gates
anymore, but Slim :)  

In the aftermath of the second generation TEG failure, it appears that Rossi
moved on into LENR instead of trying to reproduce his early success. That
alone is suspicious since a TEG which can work on waste heat at 20%
efficiency has a market value of half a trillion, give or take a few Slim

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